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Bremerton WestSound Symphony

Alan Futterman, Music Director
Alan is the Music Director of the Bremerton WestSound Symphony and the Academy Chamber Orchestra. He served on the Music Faculty of Central Washington University for 10 years and as Music Director of the Dover Symphony Orchestra, Principal Conductor for the Weierstrass Society Concerts of Contemporary Music (New York, N.Y.), Music Director of the Zaccho Ballet Orchestra (Belgium), and Conductor in Residence for Jeunesse Musicale of Europe.
Mr. Futterman holds a Master’s degree from the Juilliard School of Music with two years of Doctoral studies in Musicology and Baroque Performance Practice. As a Doctoral candidate, he served as Assistant Conductor to Maestro Vladimir Kin of St. Petersburg and participated in master classes with Sir George Solti and Leonard Bernstein.
Gary Dahl, Associate Conductor & Personnel Manager
Gary Dahl, originally from Montana, is a resident of Silverdale and teaches music in the Central Kitsap School District. He serves as associate conductor and personnel manager of the Bremerton WestSound Symphony, principal timpanist of the WestSound Symphony and Port Angeles Symphony, and conductor of Kitsap Opera.
Dahl holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education from Pacific Lutheran University and a Master of Music in Conducting from Western Washington University. He studied conducting with Gunther Schuller, Jerry Kracht, David Wallace and Bruce Pullan; and timpani with Michael Crusoe and Salvatore Rabbio.

Bremerton WestSound Symphony Orchestra Musicians
To support these musicians and the symphony, Read More Here on how you can sponsor a Musician's Chair!
Violin I
Mia Wu,
Blanche Wynn Concertmaster Chair
Jane Melin
Bruce Spalding
Michelle Verlander
Sayer Stewart
Masha Futterman
Nicholas Lewis
Jessica Lewis
Violin II
Tineke Dahl*
Mary Carbone
Sharon Habener
Kirsten Nordstrom
Julie Ross
Elaine Thomas
Carmen Larson*
Linda Briggs
Lucía Lara
Leelee Stewart*
Jane Carter
Glen Melin
Ingrid Peters
Arlayne Eseman
Cynthia Swenson
Jane Christen*
Mirian Dankovchik
Janet Elias
Stephen Hammen
Derick Polk
Deliana Broussard*
Anna Schroeder
Stasia Kulsa
Kristin Guy*
Melissa Drewry
Stephen Anthenien†
David Salge†
Lea Anne Bantsari
Judith Lawrence*
Lesley Petty
Valerie Behling*
Ron Gilbert
Sean Payton
Cassandra Kraft
Shelly Devlin*
Chuck Greene
Wayne Jordheim*
Michael Bravin
Bass Trombone
Kenneth Davis
Dennis Goans*
Gary Dahl*
Malcolm West*
Caryn Brokaw
David Gaskey
Carmen Torres
Joann Richardson*
* = Principal Chair
† = Co-Principal Chair
Gary Dahl Bio
Address: Manette Community Church, 1137 Hayward Ave, Bremerton, WA 98310
Bremerton WestSound Symphony is a community orchestra that has been playing since 1942. We value the dedication, the time and effort that it takes to be a member and want you to enjoy your experience in the orchestra. In order to meet our Vision, Mission, and Values, we require auditions to ensure all musicians are a good match. Please read the rehearsal schedule and download audition materials as needed. When you are ready, follow the "Schedule Your Audition" link to send an email audition request - please include your name, instrument or vocal part, pertinent experience, and contact information.

The audition committee consists of the Music Director, the principal of the section for which the audition is taking place, and two additional principals. If any players designated above are unavailable, the Music Director shall choose replacements from the orchestra membership. For a principal audition the committee consists of the Music Director, Concertmaster and a minimum of three principals. The Orchestra Personnel Manager will be asked to facilitate auditions.
Determination of seating within sections is at the discretion of the Music Director.
Auditions are taken and scheduled on a case by case basis throughout the season.
Please use the “Schedule Your Audition” to the right. The personnel manager will be in contact with you.
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