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Annual Appeal

Dear Friends of the Symphony, Thank you for continuing to join us on our musical journey during the 81st season of music for the Bremerton WestSound Symphony. We were grateful to share our season opener, Harvest of Harmony, with over 400 of our friends and neighbors at the stunning new Central Kitsap Performing Arts Center in October. Under the baton of Maestro Alan Futterman the orchestra continues to achieve new artistic heights with each performance. Be sure to join us for the holidays, as we perform Handel’s beloved Messiah featuring our Bremerton Symphony Chorale under the direction of LeeAnne Campos.

Our impact in the community goes far beyond these mainstage concerts, with education programs that reach thousands of young people annually in Kitsap County. The Bremerton Youth Jazz Ensemble provides weekly performance and coaching opportunities for talented young people, under the direction of Derick Polk. The ensemble offers a variety of performances in the community throughout the year. In March, we are proud to present the annual OrKidstra program at Bremerton High School; This year, the educational concert features a 20th century opera setting of Little Red Riding Hood in collaboration with Kitsap Opera. Schools from around the region have already registered for hundreds of free tickets at one of our two school-day shows, and marketing will begin in the new year for families to attend our weekend matinee performance as well.

This mix of performance and educational opportunities is only possible with ongoing support
from community members like you. While audiences are returning to our concerts and ticket sales income is bouncing back, the pandemic showed how vital donations are to sustain classical music in our community, and throughout the country. Now is the perfect opportunity for you to join our dozens of individual and business donors by making a one-time or recurring donation to the Bremerton WestSound Symphony. Please return the enclosed donation card, call our office, or visit our website to donate securely online.

With your support we will continue to inspire, engage, and educate our community through classical music. In the coming years, the orchestra will continue to build on connections made with fellow arts organizations, school districts, and community partners to maximize our impact throughout Kitsap County. Thank you for helping us make a more connected, flourishing community through the arts.

Yours in music,

Connie Lord, Board President
Thom Mayes, Interim Executive Director

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